Products that cannot be reheated in the microwave

Products that cannot be reheated in the microwave
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A microwave oven allows you to heat up your meal quickly and easily. The models available in stores are small enough to fit into any kitchen. But are you sure all meals can be safely heated in it?

The microwave wasn’t always so small the first microwave oven was almost two meters high and weighed 400 kg, which is why in 1947 it was only used in catering establishments. Today, many people use a microwave oven and it can often be found in the workplace

And how does this remarkable invention work? The microwave emits microwave radiation that vibrates the food molecules. This radiation affects the water molecules, allowing it to penetrate the food. By setting the water molecules in motion, the food is heated. A microwave oven is a very convenient device. Thanks to it we can quickly eat a warm meal, preparing it the day before or taking food with us to work

How to safely prepare food in a microwave?

When heating food in a microwave, there are several things to keep in mind. First, you can only heat food in the microwave once. It is safer for your health to reheat your food at a lower temperature, but longer

With proper heating, you will avoid botulinum toxin or salmonella poisoning. Never heat food in plastic or Styrofoam utensils because when heated they can release the chemical ingredient bisphenol A (BPA), which causes hormone disruption, can cause infertility, and can contribute to cancer. Also, don’t heat food in metal utensils or aluminum foil

Metal reflects radiation and can cause sparks. Dishes with decorations may behave the same way, so it is better to avoid them as well. It is best to heat food in the microwave on plain porcelain plates without ornaments. Alternatively, you can use tempered glass dishes, as ordinary glass may break. By following these rules, you can safely heat food in the microwave. Here is a list of foods that cannot be reheated in the microwave


Rice should be eaten as soon as it is cooked because it loses its freshness and nutritional value very quickly. As soon as it reaches room temperature, harmful bacteria multiply in it at an express pace, which can cause a lot of food poisoning manifested by stomach pains, diarrhea and even vomiting. Reheating rice in any way is not safe, and certainly not in the microwave. The only solution to reduce the risk of bacterial growth is to cool the rice immediately after cooking, put it in the refrigerator, and only then reheat it in a pan. Rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours

Celery, beets and spinach

If the dish you want to reheat contains celery, beets or spinach, it is better to reheat it in a pot or pan. Do not use the microwave because these vegetables produce carcinogenic nitrosamines. Normally, these nitrates are a very desirable ingredient, but when they turn after heated in the microwave into nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic amine derivatives, they are very dangerous


Heating scrambled or fried eggs in the microwave is very dangerous. When you reheat eggs, they produce toxins that are bad for your health. If you don’t want to throw away eggs that you haven’t eaten, it’s better to eat them cold. Eggs cannot be reheated in the microwave because the radiation inside the eggs creates steam that has no outlet anywhere and can cause an explosion. This can burn your fingers and face

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