Home remedies for mosquito bites

Home remedies for mosquito bites
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In spring and summer we often walk in the woods, go to the lake and enjoy the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, this is also the time when we are “hunted” by mosquitoes. The reaction to a bite is usually a blister, redness and itching. What are home remedies for mosquito bites?

What to do when a mosquito bites?

First of all, you should not scratch the area where you or your child was bitten by a mosquito. This can lead to a wound that will be difficult to heal. The most common symptoms of a bite are wheals, redness, and itching. In case of an allergic reaction, you may even experience a feverish condition. If you have any worrisome symptoms, it is a good idea to see a doctor. You may need a topical application of an anti-inflammatory agent or medication to relieve symptoms.

When you’re away from home, it can be difficult to get to a pharmacy quickly for soothing gels or ointments when redness and itching occur. So what are some home remedies for mosquito bites?

Lemon patch

Lemon has a wide range of uses, and it will also work well when you are bitten by a mosquito. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so you can put a slice on the wound. It is best to do this several times a day so that the unpleasant redness disappears and the blisters stop itching. This method can be used for children and adults.

Salt solution

Among the home remedies for mosquito bites is a salt solution. You will prepare it very quickly. It will help with the itching that is uncomfortable. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and start washing the mosquito bite area. You can use a cotton cloth, cotton ball or sterile dressing gauze for this. This method also needs to be repeated several times a day.

White cabbage leaf

If you happen to have cabbage at home, put a leaf on the reddened skin. This should help with the itching and redness.

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