Family photos – how to decorate your home with them?

Family photos – how to decorate your home with them?
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Nowadays, commemorative photos are more likely to be thrown into computer folders or on Instagram. However, it is worth developing them and decorating the apartment with them. This simple procedure will make the house seem warmer and cozier.

The most traditional way to decorate the walls with family photos is to hang them in frames. Nowadays, it is less and less common to hammer nails into walls to hang photographs. We can use other, much safer methods:

  • velcro – mounting with them is not complicated – we attach one Velcro to the wall and another to the frame we want to hang, and connect them together. If necessary, the Velcro can easily be peeled off the wall,
  • double-sided tape – we stick the tape to the frame, peel off the cover and attach the photo to the wall,
  • self-adhesive hooks – hooks allow you to hang not only frames, but also the photos themselves. We just need to peel off the self-adhesive strip and press the hook to the wall,
  • glue – thanks to specialized adhesives for plastic we will also fix the frame to the wall, but we must remember that this is a permanent method.

It will be a good idea to use ready-made systems for hanging photos. Such systems are most often composed of a rail, to which the frames are attached with ropes and hooks. A popular way is also to hang family photos on a stretched string (for example, using clothespins).

Home gallery – arrangement of photo frames

Colorful photographs will certainly enliven the room, but if they are poorly color-matched, they will introduce visual disorder. A safe solution will be to hang photos that are united by one guiding color. If you want an elegant and subdued effect, opt for black and white or sepia photographs.

When planning a home gallery, let’s also make sure that the photos hung together match each other thematically. Separately (for example, in different rooms), let’s hang wedding photographs or shots from vacation trips. The frames should also match – it’s best to decide on one type and color. Instead, we can go crazy with their sizes and buy both larger and smaller frames.

Once we have the photos and frames selected, we can plan the layout of the photos. It might seem that hanging photos is not complicated and can be done in any way, but an ill-considered arrangement of photographs will simply look bad. The classic, simplest composition involves hanging the frames on one axis – vertically or horizontally, so that you can draw an invisible line that connects them. A vertical arrangement of frames will make the room look taller. On the other hand, a horizontal composition will work well in elegant arrangements. Photographs should be more or less in the line of sight of the household members, that is, about 150-160 cm above the floor.

Symmetrical compositions are also popular, in which even frames of different shapes and colors look consistent. For example, we can hang the largest frame in the center, and place smaller frames around it. Another way would be to draw an invisible line and match frames in pairs so that they create the impression of a mirror image. Another idea is to hang photos at equal distances from each other within certain boundaries, determined, for example, by the edges of the furniture.

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