Party appetizers in a modern version

Party appetizers in a modern version
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A snack for a party? It’s often hard to come up with something original, and the only thing that comes to our minds are appetizers. We present you 3 modern unveilings, which will inspire you to create something special for your guests.

Watermelon, feta and mint

If you want to prepare appetizers for a party with sweet and salty character, opt for pieces of watermelon, feta and mint. They are perfect for a summer gathering, but not only.

Chorizo, white cheese and olive

If you are a fan of chorizo, you can prepare your party appetizers based on it. Besides the main ingredient, white cheese and olives are important here. You can spice it up with coriander leaves or parsley.

Zucchini with basil pesto

Basil pesto is very easy to prepare, you can wrap it later in a slice of zucchini or cucumber and serve it at a party table.

Tortillas in different versions

You can also serve tortillas cold, which you can prepare in many different ways. One of them is cream cheese, ham, mushrooms and onions. For salmon lovers, you can serve tortillas with cheese and smoked fish. You can also wrap your favorite vegetables in the pancakes.

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