How to ensure good relations between siblings?

How to ensure good relations between siblings?
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Has your relationship with your siblings never been the best? Do you dream of changing it? We suggest what to do to improve them. You don’t have to worry, it’s not difficult! Just implement a few simple rules.

Spend time together

Spending time together is a big step toward improving family relations. It doesn’t even necessarily matter what you’ll be doing, it’s just important that these are activities that involve all family members. Sibling ties are sure to improve markedly when you start including regular activities with your loved ones in your plans.

Family traditions and rituals

Every family has its own rituals and traditions. Thanks to them, a unique thread of understanding is formed between the members, which no outsider can fully grasp. Cultivating traditions started by parents or even grandparents makes you feel more comfortable in each other’s company and, above all, you have something that binds you for life.

Respect each other’s boundaries and privacy

Never violate another person’s boundaries. This also applies to siblings who are close to you from an early age. Relationships between sisters and brothers are very special. It is often difficult to restrain yourself from peeking at a loved one’s phone that is lying on the table or not to cross other boundaries of their privacy. Try not to do that.

Don’t compare yourself

Comparing yourself to a brother or sister will certainly not make your ties stronger. Constant juxtaposition and competition causes many unpleasant situations between loved ones. Complaining about one’s situation and emphasizing the other person’s better qualities or situation can destroy any relationship, even the best one.

Support and be beside you in difficult times

Always support your loved ones in difficult times. Let them feel that you are there if they need your help or just to talk. Try not to criticize. Be there whenever you feel that your sibling is struggling with some difficulties in life. Don’t impose on them, but make it clear that you are ready to stand in for the person who is important to you.

Talk and cultivate daily contact

Try to keep up to date with the daily lives of your loved ones. Talk to them as often as possible. If you can’t see each other very often, carve out time to call your sister or brother. Listen when they confide in you about their troubles. Don’t judge and be understanding. Never draw hasty conclusions and don’t be too harsh. 

You may be different, your choices and approach to life may be different 

To take care of a good relationship with your sibling, you should never forget that your life paths may be completely different. The choices your brother or sister makes may not necessarily be in line with yours. You may look at life in completely different ways, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be friends and close to each other. What you do should never separate you.

Maintain a good relationship with your sister’s or brother’s half

If you care about keeping in touch with your siblings, you need to be aware that you will definitely also meet their other half on a regular basis. You may dislike your sister’s or brother’s partner or partner’s partner, but this must not distance you. Take care of the correct relationship between the two of you, and this will certainly not be the reason by which you will lose contact.

main photo: Gracia

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