We organize the newspapers in the house! How do we organize them?

We organize the newspapers in the house! How do we organize them?
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We like to be surrounded by nice things, we like things to be tidy around us and our favourite decorations to be on the shelves. Unfortunately, too often there is an overabundance of items around us. Here are tips on how to organize your favorite magazines.

The most important thing is a plan

If you have a lot of newspapers scattered around your house, then you need to make a plan of action. Set cleaning rules and regulations in it. If you know you can’t do it all in one day, break it down into steps. You may collect many magazines, be it lifestyle magazines, cooking magazines or psychology magazines. For a start, divide them by topic, arrange them from the oldest to the newest. The rules should include cleaning time frames and rigidly set times

Set rules for storage

Depending on how much space you have in your home, set rules for storing newspapers. Throw away magazines where the information expires quickly on a regular basis. In practice, this means that when you buy a new issue of a newspaper, the previous one should go in the trash (regardless of whether you’ve read it or not). Otherwise you will constantly have to deal with excessive waste paper. If you care about some tips or recipes try to use them on a regular basis. If you don’t use them in a given week, it means that you will throw the newspaper on the shelf and never use it again.

If you want to save specific articles, cut them out of the newspaper and paste them into a notebook. You can also start a binder for this information. Under no circumstances should you leave out entire magazines; a small section will do just fine

Useful accessories for organizing newspapers

If you store your magazines in the kitchen, a wall-mounted magazine rack, special magazine shelves or a magazine rack with a magnetic board where you can hang newspaper clippings, shopping lists or other important information will be a useful gadget. Remember that such a magazine holder serves a small number of magazines, so if you like reading while drinking coffee or cooking, make sure that only current issues of magazines are there

In the living room, coffee tables with a shelf or free-standing gazetteers work great (for lovers of many magazines they are especially recommended!). A magazine holder is another piece of furniture, so you need to have a place for it. Their choice is huge. Among them you will find modern versions in minimalist style as well as those carved in wood or in the shape of boxes

You can also make your own newspaper holder. You’ll need a large cereal box and some colourful decorative paper. Cut the box down, following the pattern of the organizers for storing documents. Cut off the top of the box, then the walls of the box at a 45 degree angle. On one of the sides, make a space for inserting newspapers. Next, spread paper glue on the box and stick the decorative paper

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