How to clean tiles and grout?

How to clean tiles and grout?
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Keeping your home clean is a must, but it’s not always an easy task. Many people don’t know how to clean surfaces properly and are afraid of damaging them, so they don’t clean thoroughly, but only superficially. So how to clean tiles and grout not to destroy them, but to keep them clean? We suggest!

Home Remedies

To wash the tiles themselves, it is worth using a solution of water and vinegar. Such liquid will not only disinfect the surface and remove dirt, but will also make tiles shine. A solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of half and half or 2:1, depending on how dirty the floor is, is suitable for cleaning both wall and floor tiles floor tilesas well as wall tiles. Another method, if you don’t have a special floor cleaner, is to add about ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid to the water. This solution will work great if you want to clean wall tiles for the kitchenthe floor tiles are often glazed, which means that they need regular polishing. In the kitchen, the tiles are also often sprayed with grease, which is very difficult to clean once it has dried. Dishwashing liquid is designed to dissolve grease, so it will perfectly clean the greasy, sticky layer of dirt from your kitchen tiles

A toothbrush is your friend

When it comes to cleaning grout, you need a precision tool that can clean the narrow spaces between tiles Tiles for the hallway and the grout in them, are the most prone to wear and tear, so you need gentle materials to clean them. An old toothbrush with soft bristles will be fantastic for cleaning grout. Use it to spread a thick paste of baking soda and water into the spaces that are filled with grout. Gently scrub the grout with the paste and toothbrush, then rinse the residue off with water, the grout should look like new. If the grout is really dirty and the baking soda didn’t do the trick, toilet gel may be effective. However, this is a highly caustic agent, so if you decide to clean the grout with it, make sure to wear protective gear such as thick gloves and goggles to shield your eyes from the possible splashing of the liquid. With this method, even light-colored grout that is now black can be returned to its previous state

Stubborn dirt

If you have stains on your tiles that won’t come off with other means, make a paste of baking soda and salt. Apply it on the stain and scrub with a Teflon scraper sponge. This is a very effective method, but it is not suitable for glazed tiles because the lumps of salt and the rough surface of the scraper can damage them and dull the shine. Unfortunately, glazed tiles are very delicate and must be cleaned with a cotton or microfiber cloth in order not to create scratches on the surface of the tiles. For stains from a marker, marker or pen, acetone or solvent will work well, and for stains from cosmetics, for example on bathroom tiles, makeup remover or oil will work.

A clean house is something to be proud of, to such a place it is pleasant to return from work, it is nice to spend time there. To enjoy cleaning, it is important that it is quick, efficient and therefore rewarding. Keeping your home or apartment tidy can be cheap, easy and enjoyable if you find ways on how to clean well

Main photo: manbob86/

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