How do I clean the shower enclosure?

How do I clean the shower enclosure?
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A shower cubicle or a bathtub is part of the essential equipment of every bathroom. However, keeping it clean can be quite a challenge during regular cleaning. It may seem that soap and water will be a good and quick solution, but nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some home remedies on how to clean a shower enclosure?

Soap and water – the best way to get bigger deposits and stains

A common mistake when cleaning your shower stall is using plain soap and water. Soap causes deposits and streaks on the glass of the shower enclosure and promotes the growth of mold and mildew. Therefore, it is important to clean the shower enclosure in the right way and with the right products. How to clean the shower enclosure?

Cosmetics, i.e. all kinds of soaps, shampoos, creams, lotions and gels create an unsightly deposit on the shower glass. To avoid the hassle of keeping your shower clean, it’s a good idea to clean the walls after every shower. Especially since deposits appear immediately and are difficult to avoid. A novelty on the market are cabins with hybrid coatings, on which deposits are not so visible

In the case of ordinary cabins, the water leaves behind deposits from cosmetics on the cabin glass, whereas in hybrid models the dirt from cosmetics flows down with it. Thanks to this solution we save time for cleaning the cabin it is enough to wipe it with a soft cloth without using any detergents

How to clean the shower enclosure?

We don’t always have time to clean the shower enclosure after a quick shower. Especially if you are on the run, preparing for work, school, a date or a meeting with friends. So it’s no surprise that there’s visible residue on the shower enclosure. If you already find the time to clean it, it is worth preparing yourself for this operation a few essential accessories

First of all, it is worth getting soft cloths, with which you can easily clean the door of the cabin. A squeegee will also be helpful. What is more, thanks to the use of a double rubber feather in them, they can collect water, liquids and all dirt from the surface of the glass with great accuracy and very quickly. If you don’t have this tool at home, you should consider buying one to make your job easier. As a substitute, you can try using an ordinary window cleaner

The use of this tool will actually allow us to get rid of the deposits from the glass immediately with just a few movements, however it will not clean the casing or other elements of the shower enclosure for us, which should be cleaned manually. However, if you do not like wasting time on tedious cleaning, another tool will be helpful, namely the steam cleaner. The use of it will remove the most stubborn dirt from all corners of the shower cabin in a short time, using only steam

Products for cleaning the shower – what to choose?

To clean the shower cabin and its elements, you really only need a glass cleaner and a soft cloth. In the market we can find many agents and accessories for cleaning the shower. They are often in ready-made sets, which will greatly improve your work.

When buying this type of agents, we should pay attention to their consistency. Strong detergents in the form of powders or granules can cause corrosion. Therefore, we recommend buying products with a delicate consistency

Limescale appears on many everyday appliances, such as kettle, washing machine or coffee machine. Even the shower enclosure is not spared. If you notice that its elements are covered with limescale, in this case it is worth reaching for the descaler. After its use, rinse the cabin with water. If you want to make the shower cabin shine, it is worth reaching for a dishwasher liquid for shining dishes

Home methods for a clean shower cabin

Fans of homemade ways to clean the bathroom can reach for natural preparations. One of the most popular is of course vinegar, which is invaluable for cleaning many types of appliances and kitchen accessories. If you want to clean a shower cubicle with a vinegar solution, you need to mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio. To strengthen the solution, it is worth adding lemon juice, which additionally neutralizes the strong smell of vin egar Wash the dirty surface with the preparation, leave it for a few minutes and then rinse with water and wipe.

To clean the dirt of the shower stall is also recommended soda with hydrogen peroxide. In this case, we prepare not a solution, but a paste, which is applied to the dirty surfaces. Leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse with water. To avoid the growth of mold and mildew, you need to thoroughly wipe the shower.

Regular cleaning of the shower cabin will ensure comfort during each bath

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