With what to effectively clean the bathtub?

With what to effectively clean the bathtub?
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A clean well-kept bathroom invites you to take long, relaxing baths. However, in order to experience them, it is important to clean it perfectly, especially the bathtub. Its white color often causes sediment to appear on the walls, as well as scale. Sometimes, especially in the case of poorly seated bathtubs, fungus and mold can appear where it connects to the wall. How to deal with this? Learn about our effective ways!

Bathtub as new, or how to get rid of dirt and sediment?

A wonderful, fragrant and snow-white bathtub is your dream? Relaxing in such a place is much more pleasant. If you are wondering how to clean your bathtub, it is worth reading this text. You will learn what ways are effective and how often to clean the walls of the bathtub. 

However, let’s start at the beginning. To avoid a situation in which mold or bacteria appear on the bathtub, it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation in this area. This will prevent moisture from settling, and it is the main factor that determines the appearance of fungus in the bathroom.

Now we can move on to washing the bathtub. Of course, all precautions must be taken. So don’t forget protective gloves, or even a mask, especially if the dirt is particularly strong. Of course, you’ll also need to arm yourself with a sponge with sharper bristles to get rid of the dirt. In some cases you will need to leave the cleaner on longer. You can use cif or domestos for this, but a paste of baking soda, vinegar and lemon will also prove to be an excellent solution. It all depends on how hard your water is, and how firmly the contamination has entered the structure of the tub. The cleaning procedure should be repeated at least once a week to keep the bathroom looking neat.

Hygienically clean bathtub

After rinsing the bathtub and getting rid of hair and other dirt from the drain, it is worth preparing a gentle concoction that should remove some of the dirt. In a container with a sprayer, place vinegar and water, in proportions of half and half. You can add half a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon.

With such a preparation, spray the bathtub and wait 15-20 minutes. If the corners on the tub are very dirty, you can also make a thick paste of baking soda, lemon juice and a few drops of water. It, too, should be left for about 30 minutes. Then just rinse everything with warm water. 

If that doesn’t help, use cif and the sharper part of the sponge. Be careful, however, not to scratch the structure of the tub. Scrub particularly dirty places, where there is yellow residue, with cif. You can also add a little domestos, which will further get rid of bacteria. After cleaning, leave the whole thing for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly, your bathtub should then shine white!

What if you want to get rid of rust? You can’t forget about bathroom fixtures, which also need cleaning. A mixture of water and vinegar with lemon juice works best on rust, in this case you do not need to use strong preparations. Such a method will be effective enough, and on top of that, it will make the tap shine beautifully!

main photo: unsplash.com/Jared Rice

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